Prophesy. Exhort. Encourage. Edify.
The Eagles Eye is a journal of prophetic and scriptural insights penned by Pastor Elaine.
Have Ears to Hear!
Hearken to the Voice of the Lord… Have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying. Arise and shake yourselves FREE of that which encumbers! Worship and dare to believe. Much shall change—much shall be revealed. The prophetic voice will increase… Have EARS to HEAR—Eyes to SEE and HANDS that write down the things of God. SCRIBES—the anointing of a scribe--the Voice that comes from a close walk with the Lord. Direct...
Strong Winds of Change
Heed the voice of the Lord! Strong winds are coming. You will stand—I will protect and shield My people. Troubles will shake and shape the USA. My true ones will stand as pillars in the earth. Much shall fall away and lives shall be lost. A “ravaging wind” comes to judge the sin of this nation. When it is past there will be openings of Light and Life that will arise. Nothing shines without being cleansed. I will hold back...
Go ye!
As I sought the Lord in study and prayer this morning, I saw a great harvest field of tall golden grain and heard these words in my spirit: We stand in the midst of great harvest fields. Let us begin to reap and gather the sheaves for the Lord. Jesus said to pray for the laborers. Are we not the answer to His prayer? Would we send another, yet fail to harvest where we stand? This morning I so clearly hear, “GO YE!”...
Lift up your eyes!
In my first thoughts of a new day—I heard the phrase, “I will lift up my eyes to the hills”. I turned to Psalm 121 and began to read and renew my mind in the promises of God. I was encouraged and strengthened by Truth. Today--we can lift up our eyes with expectation--our help comes from the Lord—Maker of heaven and earth. Our feet will not slip! We are protected from ALL evil! We are blessed going out and coming in! ...
Arise and build!
It is a New Year and a new day…we have entered with a deepening faith in the Living God and heartrending concern for our shaking, hurting world.As I prayed about what I was to share at this pivotal time, I was reminded of the words spoken by Jesus just before His ascension. Acts 1:7-8 (AMP) 7 He said to them, “It is not for you to become acquainted with and know what time brings (the things and events of time and their...
Our dwelling place
Happiness, love, completeness and much more are interwoven into the very foundation of our lives in Christ. (Galatians 5:22-25) The “structure” rising from that foundation comes from our daily communion with the Lord through the power of His Word, worship and prayer. We come to understand, we have received a dwelling place with strong walls and an unshakeable foundation. We are secure in the Lord’s daily care of us and we...
Arise and shine
During my devotional time this week, the Holy Spirit showed me a bright star in a midnight sky. As I gazed at the star, I listened and heard these words in my heart…Stars are positioned as markers to give light and direction. Stars always shine…but can only be seen in the night hours of the soul. As I continued to watch the sky…streaks of light began to slowly dawn until full sunshine had come, even the shadows of night...
Resurrection power
There are bold headlines this Easter week: Jesus is alive! As believers, we are joyfully celebrating the power of His Resurrection! Death could not hold Him! Amen! I am reminded of a passage in John 11. Jesus was with his disciples, when he was brought a disturbing message from Mary and Martha. “Lord, the one You love is sick!” Indeed, Lazarus was very sick—but his healing was on the way. Immediately after receiving...
It’s harvest time
Remember its Pentecost! In the Old Testament it was an appointed day to honor the Lord with the firstfruitsof the harvest season. In the New Testament, after the Resurrection, before Jesus ascended to heaven, He commanded His disciples to not leave the city, but to assemble together and pray for the promise of the Father…The Baptism of the Holy Spirit. They returned to Jerusalem with expectation as they entered the upper...
Closet prayer
In our busy, highly scheduled world, we must learn how to get still, quiet ourselves within and without, deafen our ears to the clamor of the world, as we choose moments of rest, quiet, and solitude with the One we say we love! We run on “fumes”, when He would provide “fuel”! Therefore, this is a reminder that we need to feed on Him daily. Now, it is unhealthy to try to live on “spiritual snacks”, which only give...