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Come Closer to His Table
When we draw closer to the Lord, we develop a hunger to share our blessings with others. When we have been so generously fed, we long for others to know this amazing invitation from the Lord. It is exciting to know the Lord so personally, and to testify of His participation in our daily walk of faith.
In her original book, Come and Dine With the King,
Elaine lays out principles to:
Encourage altar building
Embrace divine encounters
Develop greater communion with God
Release prayer to change lives
Become powerfully equipped for intercession
After hearing countless testimonies from so many who received anointed inspiration while studying Come and Dine With the King, I wrote Come Closer to His Table to offer expanded teaching for individual study. This Study Guide is written for those who want deeper understanding, more detailed teaching information, or feel led to explore the book in a gathering. I am delighted to present this Study Guide with my prayers that many will be greatly strengthened in their devotional time with God. Jesus has given each of us so much—let’s share our journey with others by giving them the priceless gift of a deeper relationship with Him.
Please join me, as we Come Closer to His Table
– Elaine Rumley