Sharing from her heart, Elaine teaches on personal private prayer, encouraging Christians to take the time and seize the opportunity to encounter the living Christ daily. She teaches churches and gatherings how to intercede effectively for their city, region, nation and the world.

Eagles strongly supports the need for home gatherings where there is the opportunity for one-on-one ministry. This personal touch and individual ministry strengthens the Body of Christ, and gives continual opportunity to grow in God within a safe and warm family environment.

Elaine and her team have a consuming passion to see believers exhorted, equipped, trained in the Word, and released to fulfill their destiny in Christ. Building from a firm foundation in the scriptures, they help believers learn to hear the Lord and operate in the spiritual gifts.

Elaine teaches in the power of the Holy Spirit, because she is a living testimony that God is able to transform those who embrace His Truth. She shares freely the fullness of the Gospel, which releases hope, faith, purity and the love of God…
Come & Dine with the King
Come And Dine with The King is written to reveal the bountiful table of the Lord, which is continuously set before us with the daily invitation from the King of all Kings, “Come and dine with Me”. The King sets an exquisite table which is abundantly filled…A confidential table of sweet fellowship…
Come Closer to His Table
A study guide for Come and Dine with the King. When we have been so generously fed, we long for others to know this amazing invitation from the Lord. It is exciting to know the Lord so personally, and to testify of His participation in our daily walk of faith…
Recent prophetic entries from
The Eagles Eye journal