The New Call

We are to be vessels of victory in the Lord’s service. II Timothy 2:21 A vessel set apart and useful for honorable and noble purposes, consecrated and profitable to the master, fit and ready for any good work. The Lord gave me a poem…the title is The New Call...

Watch and Pray

He who has an ear to hear—Hear what the Spirit is saying… Have the ear to hear—the heart to understand— The eye of the Spirit to see. All Truth—yea, all Truth is in Me. Know and expound on My Word rather than the words of men and devils. Pay attention! Just as you...

God’s Timing

It is time… To build for Kingdom purpose To catch fish… To gather the new sheep… To renew the old sheep. I see a great net of revival being cast by a huge, strong arm over the entire earth. I see the cross rising up! Light shining in beams from Lighthouses… into...

Prophetic Word for 2024

8 Things about 2024 that I know are absolutes! We must… 1. Be alive in the love of the Lord 2. Pray in the Spirit 3. Grow in the word 4. God is always right 5. God is faithful 6. God rules 7. God reigns 8. Maranatha Psalm 91:2 I will say of the Lord, “ He is my refuge...

Come Unto Me

Child, child, child–Come and sit with your Father and just “be” in My presence. It is a hard season. Darkness is on the face of the earth, But the Spirit is hovering–the angels are ministering. My word is true and will bring you through. I am watching most...

The Culmination

I Peter 4:7 “The end and culmination of all things is near…” Long ago–in a distant time– Things were set in motion for destiny and purpose. Spiritually and tangibly the Lord created the Way. Now, in this season of time, from the North, South, East and West...