Genesis 1:1…In the beginning God…

Looking to the Lord, the Author and Finisher of man
I found the amazing knowledge– I am fashioned by His hand
But for what purpose has He created me?
This is my quest before Him— this is my heart’s plea.

I determine I must search the Book—yes, His Holy Word
I make daily time to read— for I have clearly heard
That these Anointed pages hold His Answer for all I seek
With humility and love, I come to learn at His scarred feet

In a chosen place of quiet and tangible peace
A place which He calls “altar”, I daily find release
Here I worship and pray, as I learn to wait on Him
The Holy Spirit inspires me—yes, guides again and again

Questions I place before Him–What do I need to know?
What is the meaning of my life? How do I really grow?
Begin says the Lord—yes, start at the first
Follow God’s pattern—for Truth you must thirst

There is a word which seems so small–But it traps the souls of men
That word is “tomorrow”—yes, tomorrow I shall begin
Begin today dear child of mine—learn to wait upon Me now
Raise up your altar of Holy Ground—simply come and bow

Daily establish your altar of sweet communion and prayer
If you will choose Me—I will always meet you there.
Grow in your knowledge of God—you must feed the inner man
Learn to hear and follow—daily yield to the Spirit’s command

The Word promises clearly—it is written for all to see
Those who wait upon the Lord shall obtain great victory
So begin my child a journey of private conversation
I will answer your questions and give you revelation

I am the God of “beginnings”—life is “new” every day
Look to Me– for I am the Truth, the Door and the Way
Open My Word at Genesis and continue all the way through
Keep an open journal for I will reveal Myself to you.