He who has an ear to hear—Hear what the Spirit is saying…

Have the ear to hear—the heart to understand—
The eye of the Spirit to see.
All Truth—yea, all Truth is in Me.
Know and expound on My Word rather than
the words of men and devils.

Pay attention!
Just as you would look up, if it began to snow.
Look up and see what is coming down from heaven—
From My storehouse of blessings—
My resources reserved for My people.

Angels are hastening to obey My commands—
there is excitement that the time has come—
to cleanse and return.

Pour forth the washings of God—
The refreshing’s of My Spirit on a weary people.
Those who have truly sought Me will greatly rejoice
in My goodness—My supply.

You are not trapped by time or space—you are free in Me.
You are not earthbound creatures—
You have learned to soar in the Spirit.

Sing My children—Sing! Rejoice and be merry of heart!
(Like Paul and Silas in the jail cell at midnight!
Psalm 101:1 ESV…I will sing of steadfast love and justice;
to you, O Lord, I will make music.)

You are free—truly free in a world of great bondage.
You have chosen liberty—use it well.
Draw close now—watch and pray—
even as I told my disciples in the Garden of Gethsemane –
Watch and pray—great change is upon the earth, but I AM!

Matthew 26:42
Keep actively watching and praying
that you may not come into temptation;
the spirit is willing but the body is weak.

Mark 14:38, says the same words.

Luke 22:40 Pray continually
that you may not fall into temptation.