Hearken to the Voice of the Lord…
Have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying.
Arise and shake yourselves FREE of that which encumbers!
Worship and dare to believe.
Much shall change—much shall be revealed.
The prophetic voice will increase… Have EARS to HEAR—Eyes to SEE and HANDS that write down the things of God.
SCRIBES—the anointing of a scribe–the Voice that comes from a close walk with the Lord.
Direct communication—guidance through the Word both written and Rhema.
Anointing to FLOW—Anointing to GO—Anointing to LIVE for ME in the midst of your circumstances.
MAKE the time—TAKE the time—even create the time to be in My presence FIRST!
Then ALL else will come into alignment and proper order!
Isaiah 60:1-3 Malachi 4:2
Encourage and exhort–Co-operate with the Spirit!