Remember its Pentecost! In the Old Testament it was an appointed day to honor the Lord with the firstfruitsof the harvest season. In the New Testament, after the Resurrection, before Jesus ascended to heaven, He commanded His disciples to not leave the city, but to assemble together and pray for the promise of the Father…The Baptism of the Holy Spirit. They returned to Jerusalem with expectation as they entered the upper room. In unity and agreement, they devoted themselves steadfastly to prayer.
On the day of Pentecost, 120 were gathered in that room, when God sent the sound of a roaring wind and flames of heavenly fire, which immersed the house and rested upon every person in the gathering. In Acts 2:4 we read, “And they were all filled (diffused throughout their souls) with the Holy Spirit and began to speak in other (different, foreign) languages (tongues) as the Spirit kept giving them clear and loud expression (in each tongue in appropriate words.”
Fast forward to this day! Is it not time for believers to gather in unity of steadfast prayer again? Looking to Jesus the Author and Finisher of our faith. God has not changed! His power has not diminished! The same Holy Spirit is our portion! Come on Church…Seek the Lord while He may be found …Band together in unity, until the Roaring Wind out of Heaven and the Fire from His Altar invades the church again! We must be changed, if we are to change our world!
It is harvest time…Praise Him for ALL He has given! Be immersed in His Power…Be strengthened by His Might…Be equipped and GO into the fields. Don’t be distracted by the sounds and sights of the enemy. Lift up your eyes and behold the Glory of the Lord. Receive the Fresh Call…Join Him with Empowered Prayer…With eyes focused on Him, we move into the harvest fields. We must demonstrate the Power of the Holy Spirit…it’s the Way the Church began and it is the Way the Church will finish! Pray! Believe! Unify in His Altar! Let’s turn the world upside down again!!!! Amen!