Prophesy. Exhort. Encourage. Edify.

The Eagles Eye is a journal of prophetic and scriptural insights penned by Pastor Elaine.

Scripture and Motto for 2022

Forty years ago I started asking the Lord every Fall Season to give me a scripture verse and motto for the coming New Year. The scripture and motto I received would always become my personal focus in daily prayer. The whole year, I would place that word before me during my morning devotions and daily pray for it to come to pass. The Lord has answered and used His Word like a compass to focus my life. I want to share what I...

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The King’s Table

We are in a season that we must truly trust the work of the Holy Spirit in us and for us! He constantly leads, encourages and teaches us. I was considering Romans 8:26-29 (AMP) 26 "So too the [Holy] Spirit comes to our aid and bears us up in our weakness; for we do not know what prayer to offer nor how to offer it worthily as we ought, but the Spirit Himself goes to meet our supplication and pleads in our behalf with...

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Salt and Purity

The Lord started with “salt”... As salt is for flavor and the preservation of food— The Word is to be savored and preserve our lives. Without flavor, salt is good for nothing but to be cast out and trampled on A “great salting” of the church is upon us— He who has ears to hear—hear what the Spirit is saying. The Lord will salt His House and require purity— Salt will create a thirst for Him— The salt will also--Separate the...

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Eagles Prayer for Africa

I received instructions from the Lord concerning His heart towards Africa. There was a fresh call on Eagles Intercessors to pray for the entire continent. The Lord began by speaking about battle stations and strategy—locations for His glory and warfare. He said, “Light—Light—Light will come forth and be established in the darkness. There is now a flame of My burning, but the high towers will establish “search lights”. (Like...

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Declare Shift….

Declare Shift….Realign…New Assignment The word I received on April 21, 2021 What is written in heaven—declared and decreed from the Throne--- Shall come to pass quickly now. The thief has been found out! Spiritual brakes are being applied and destroying powers will come to halt the pace of the enemy— bring confusion to the enemy’s camp. My people who are called by My Name will stand— unite in My Heart and then unite with...

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Pass it on…

Proverbs 24:9…He who has a bountiful eye shall be blessed, for he gives of his bread to the poor. We remember reading from the Word found in Mark 8:1-8 that  there was an immense crowd gathered around Jesus and they had nothing to eat.  At the instruction of the Lord the disciples searched and found they had 7 loaves of bread and a few small fish.  They questioned how anyone could do anything with this small portion. ...

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You Will Stand

Heed the voice of the Lord! Strong winds are coming. You will stand—I will protect and shield My people. Troubles will shake and shape the USA. My true ones will stand as pillars in the earth. Much shall fall away and lives shall be lost. A “ravaging wind” comes to judge the sin of this nation. When it is past there will be openings of Light and Life that will arise. Nothing shines without being cleansed. I will hold back...

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Have Ears to Hear

Hearken to the Voice of the Lord… Have ears to hear what the Spirit is saying. Arise and shake yourselves FREE of that which encumbers! Worship and dare to believe. Much shall change—much shall be revealed. The prophetic voice will increase…I charge this organization to have EARS to HEAR—Eyes to SEE and HANDS that write the things of God. SCRIBES—the anointing of a scribe…the voice that comes from a close walk with the Lord....

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Behold I See

I heard: Behold I see the influence of righteousness I am about to move in a mighty way—many shall look to Me for their answers and guidance. I am breaking things apart so truth can be seen and acted upon. The laws of this land—the Constitution at the foundation will be heard again and stood upon for righteousness sake. Lies will be blown away and many shall be removed or even suddenly taken out of position. What is a man...

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Prepare the City

I saw: A scene of a city skyline…many tall buildings. I heard this message: Prepare the city---prepare the city… Holy invasion—purity and truth… I begin at the roots and cut deep into the earth of men’s hearts. I am after bitter, black roots… The severing of their strangulation of life and peace. I am breaking the power of controlling spirits in My House… Releasing a new purity and humility to those who receive Me in spirit...

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The Challenge to Begin

Genesis 1:1…In the beginning God… Looking to the Lord, the Author and Finisher of man I found the amazing knowledge-- I am fashioned by His hand But for what purpose has He created me? This is my quest before Him--- this is my heart’s plea. I determine I must search the Book—yes, His Holy Word I make daily time to read--- for I have clearly heard That these Anointed pages hold His Answer for all I seek With humility and...

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Behold I See

I heard: Behold I see the influence of righteousness I am about to move in a mighty way—many shall look to Me for their answers and guidance. I am breaking things apart so truth can be seen and acted upon. The laws of this land—the Constitution at the foundation will be heard again and stood upon for righteousness sake. Lies will be blown away and many shall be removed or even suddenly taken out of position. What is a man...

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